- What is Westell Technologies, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the OTC:Pink under the symbol WSTL.
- When was Westell Technologies, Inc. incorporated?
- When did Westell Technologies, Inc. become a public company?
- Where is Westell Technologies, Inc. located?
750 N. Commons Drive
Aurora, IL 60504- When is Westell Technologies, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
March 31st
- Who is Westell Technologies, Inc.'s transfer agent?
Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.
1155 Long Island Avenue
Englewood, NY 11717
T: (855) 449-0975
www.broadridge.com- Who is Westell Technologies, Inc.'s independent auditor?
Baker Tilly US, LLP
205 N. Michigan Avenue
28th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601-5927
T: (312) 729-8000
www.bakertilly.com- Who is Westell Technologies, Inc.'s outside legal counsel?
Quarles & Brady LLP
300 N. LaSalle Street
Suite 4000
Chicago, IL 60654
T: (312) 715-5241